This is such a good reminder. A reminder I need daily. Today I wanted to talk about Faith and Fear.
Did you know that the opposite of Faith is Fear? I never really put that into perspective until I was sitting in church listening to Pastor Nicole Crank speak. She told us this. “Fear and Faith are the same thing, but opposite. Like north and south. The same line, but headed opposite directions. We can’t be in faith and fear at the same time.” How true is this?!
I wanted to share a personal story of faith with you. Oh I have many, but we will just start with this one today. Eleven years ago I was probably one of the most superstitious people you had ever met. My mom is very superstitious and I just did what I saw. All through my teenage years into my twenties
- I would do things like this. If I would spill salt, I would throw a pinch of salt over my left shoulder or was it the right. I don’t even remember it’s been so long. If I did not throw the salt over my shoulder, it would result in bad luck. I would do this no matter where I was. Restaurants, friends house or work. It did not matter.
- If a black cat crossed my path I would have bad luck unless I spit. My goodness I am cringing while typing this. It sounds so ridiculous, yet I believed it with everything I had.
- A few others were: don’t break a mirror or 7 years bad luck would be yours.
- The belief that bad luck comes in threes.
- And knock on wood after talking about something lucky to ward off any bad luck. This one was HUGE for me!! I know this probably sounds so silly to you. But I have hangups just like everyone else.
When I started reconnecting with God, I knew believing these things were not what He wanted for me. I was not showing my faith in Him by letting these fears control my life. But how could I let go of something I’ve been doing since I was a young teenager? Faith.
I had a long commute to and from work each day. On my drive I would pray and talk to Him. I asked Him to help me stop this silly nonsense and trust in Him. After many talks and long prayers I finally stopped. I remember driving home from work and I said something that I would have normally knocked on my head (aka wood) after it. But this time I did not do it. And this was Huge for me! I can’t even tell you the weight that was lifted off of me. My relationship with Him grew stronger. My faith was stronger.
That was the last time I ever let superstition into my life. I do not believe in luck. I believe in blessings. Because everything comes from God. So whatever you are dealing with know this. You are never alone. God is always with you. You are the daughter of the all mighty King. He loves you and cares for you. Turn your fear into faith so you too can be blessed.
Here are a few great verses to remember. Write these down. Carry them with you. Read over them. Pray over them.
“I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4
“Jesus told him, ‘Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Mark 5:36
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Psalm 56:3
Keeping a Bible journal has been another huge thing that has helped me with my faith.
2 Timothy 3:16 tells us this. All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
When I start my day off reading His word, I feel like I can conquer anything. Truly I do. Give it a try and tell me I am wrong. My faith and my relationship grow stronger when I spend time with Him and in His word. You can find this adorable Bible study journal and Daughter of the King Crown Pen here. I have been also using the NIV Mom’s Devotional Bible and the Busy Mom’s Bible. One is hardback and one is paperback. These are tools I use to help me with my devotions.
I hope my story about faith and fear can help you somehow in your own personal life. Until next time.
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Awesome post! I have a bit of anxiety, so I always pray or take some time with my study bible when I am feeling stressed or worried. It always works!! Great reminder!
Hi Lauren! Thank you! I too have some anxiety and I am saving that for another post. 😉 Prayer changes everything doesn’t it?! 🙂
Amy- I love the Daughter of a king verse. Where is that in the Bible?
Hi Shirley,
This is taken from the bible verse 2 Corinthians 6:18. And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” I hope that helps. 🙂 Also this is another verse. So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. Galatians 3:26 I absolutely love love this too!! <3